Civic League Meetings

Second Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September, & November

Next Meeting:

Tuesday, March 11


7:00 p.m.


Providence Presbyterian Church,
5497 Providence Road, Fellowship Hall

Subsequent Meetings:

May 13 • July 8

Get Involved

The Civic League plays a vital role in ensuring that Homestead continues to feel like home! The block party, the yardsale, the clean entrance, the newsletter-all thanks to individuals who volunteer their time to make Homestead a better place to live. Come out and get involved!

Membership Info

2024 Civic League Membership & Neighborhood Watch Form – Download the Membership Form 

Homestead Online

Welcome to the Homestead Civic League Website. This online tool is an additional resource to provide our residents with information. Within this Website you can find:

Civic League Officers

President: Donna Zerby
Vice President: Gary Medlin
Treasurer: Mary Glynn
Secretary: Karen Davis

Committee Chairs

Block Party: Nancy Sokol
Bylaws: Todd McGovern
Dues Coordinator: Jackie Moylan
Front Entrance: Mike Rheinhart
Front Entrance Bulletin Board: Chris Epstein
Holiday Party: Gary Medlin
Neighborhood Watch: Gary Medlin
Newsletter Editor: Amy Price
Webmaster: Carrie Smaha
Welcoming: Ginger Boyer
Yard/Bake Sale: Karen Davis

“This is how America should look”

Reverend Cecil Chambers of Richmond

During a visit to the Horton home on Hillview Boulevard, circa 1970s.

New Residents

Got new neighbors? Let us know so we may properly welcome them to the neighborhood.