Woodstock Park Improvement Project

HRSD is constructing a 5.2 million gallon offline storage tank in Woodstock Park under a new cutting-edge skate facility. An underground storage tank in this area will reduce the risk of sanitary sewer overflows during heavy rain events by temporarily holding conventional wastewater combined with storm water that migrates into wastewater pipelines until elevated conditions in the pipeline subside.

Virginia Beach Parks & Recreation has partnered with HRSD to complete improvements to the park as a whole including new pavilions, playground equipment, a family restroom, and improved parking.

The park closed on June 3, 2019. We expect to complete the storage tank and park improvements in mid-2021. During the park closure, a temporary dog park will be located at Providence Park, 952 Reon Drive, Virginia Beach.

For more information about the project, please visit www.hrsd.com/woodstock-park or VBgov.com/woodstockpark.

Project Timeline

Woodstock Park Improvement Project Timeline