The Homestead Civic League is a non-profit organization composed of Homestead residents. Its active members strive to: enhance the quality of life for all residents; foster a spirit of community; further the interests of the area with respect to beautification, recreation, sanitation, safety, and protection of property values; inform residents of issues of neighborhood importance; provide a forum for discussion of issues important to the residents; and promote participation in public affairs by encouraging members to register and vote in all local, state, and federal elections.
Any current resident of Homestead is eligible for membership. Annual per-household dues are only $7. To become a member, contact the Civic League president or complete the 2024 Membership & Dues form.
Ongoing Civic League Activities
Meetings: The Homestead Civic League meets every-other month (January, March, May, July, September, and November), on the second Tuesday of the month, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Meetings are held at Providence Presbyterian Church, 5497 Providence Road.
Front entrance: Continuous upkeep of the grass, trees, and shrubs. Replacement of light bulbs and routine repair of the night lights. Painting and maintenance of the white brick walls and the black lettering. Placement of informational and seasonal signs.
Community Yard Sale: Held annually for over 30 years (usually in September), average participation is 40+ families.
Block Party: Annual get together is held every year in the Fall (usually in October) for the enjoyment of residents and their families.
Newsletters: Published 3 times per year and hand delivered, newsletters keep residents informed regarding items of community interest. Annual events (block party, neighborhood garage sale, Christmas tree lighting and celebration, membership drive), city codes and regulations, important phone numbers, etc. are included. Residents may write letters for publication and may place ads in the newsletter.
Neighborhood Directory: Available only to civic league members, this voluntary, bi-annual publication is sorted both alphabetically and by street and includes a map of the neighborhood.
Membership Drive and Dues Collection: Annual door-to-door membership drive, dues collection, and neighborhood directory data compilation.
VBCCO: Maintain membership and actively participate with the Virginia Beach Council of Civic Organizations.
Neighborhood Watch: Comply with the police department’s annual requirements for maintaining membership.
Examples of Homestead Civic League’s Accomplishments
Worked with the city to have “Cross Traffic Does Not Stop” signs installed at the north and south bound corners of Whitehurst Landing and Old Providence Roads.
Worked with the City to have a sidewalk constructed on Whitehurst Landing Road between Thompson Way and Old Providence Road.
Participated in a 2005 grass-roots effort to stop the Virginia Beach Residential Real Estate tax rate from rising above $1.20 per $100 of assessed value.
Partnered with BSA Troop 12 to create the Homestead Heritage Garden at the front entrance.
Took legal action and prevented the extension of Hillview Boulevard through to Indian River Road, preventing a major through-fare in the middle of the neighborhood.
Fought for and achieved building single family homes on Old Providence instead of high density housing to be known as ‘Stoney Brook Apartments’.
Halted dumping of asphalt and hazardous waste into the borrow pit south of Westward Drive. Also, the original plan was to fill the lake in completely. The Civic League managed to achieve a compromise whereby the city bought an easement from Mr. Archibell and a 200 ft. buffer will remain between Homestead and the planned development, where homes will be built on the land created by filling in the borrow pit.
Neighborhood Watch: Initiated and achieved membership in the Neighborhood Watch program.
Streetlights: New, improved streetlights were installed due to Civic League efforts.
Fence between Whitehurst Grove Park and Homestead: The Civic League convinced the city that the fence should be erected for the safety of both neighborhoods.
City sewage installation: Some residents had not been able to use their home washing machine for years. Slowly (being approximately 30 years old), many septic systems were failing. The Civic League, supported by a great majority of Homestead residents, badgered the city long and hard enough to have it stop delaying city sewage installation in Homestead.
Prevented construction of a gas station and 7-11 store at the corner of Whitehurst Landing and Old Providence Road (formerly “Providence Road”).
Last Updated on July 2, 2024